ZeroBounce Releases The Email List Decay Report for 2023

SANTA BARBARA, CA / ACCESSWIRE / February 28, 2023 / ZeroBounce announces the release of The Email List Decay Report for 2023, unveiling the latest statistics about the lifecycle of email databases. In the report, ZeroBounce shares data trends it gathered after validating more than six billion email addresses. The ZeroBounce Email List Decay Report […]

‫مؤتمر بلوكتشين لايف بدبي يؤكد على المستقبل الواعد للعملات الرقمية مع قدرة منصاتها على إثبات الاحتياطات الرقمية

مستجدات مع بعد عام 2022: وضعت منصات تداول العملات الرقمية معايير عالية لتعزيز أطر الشفافية تتمثل في القدرة على إثبات احتياطات الأصول الرقمية بنسبة 100% تشكل منصات التداول اللامركزية جزءًا مهمًا من النظام البيئي الصحي من خلال دعم المتداولين على المدى المتوسط والطويل باي بايت كأي منصة تداول مركزية تدعو لتعزيز التكامل مع تقنيات الويب […]

Rwandans living nine years longer than other East Africans

KIGALI, Rwandans are living at least nine years longer than the majority of East Africans, according to the latest figures released by the National Institute of Statistics on Monday. Rwanda’s life expectancy is now 69.6 years, up from 51.2 years in 2002, data from the fifth Population and Housing Census 2022 indicates. This puts Rwanda … Read more

Violence, fire, claim several lives in South Darfur

The body of child 13-year-old boy who disappeared on Friday after paying for a seat on a donkey cart was found in Wadi Beleil on Sunday. In Nyala, a 48-year-old mother of four was killed instantly, allegedly by a stray police bullet. A Wadi Salih farmer is in hospital in Nyala after a savage assault, … Read more